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The Daily

Get news you can use in your inbox every weekday, including the latest in health, entertainment, money, jobs and travel.



Always fun, with top entertainment stories, relationship advice, movie reviews and online games in your inbox every issue.



Money Matters

Manage your money confidently with simple ways to save, updates on Social Security and the latest scam alerts.

Two per month


Whatever your present or future travel plans, receive up-to-date resources to help you plan with confidence.

Two per month

Your Health

Feel your best with expert tips and information, including the latest on COVID-19, Medicare updates and more!



AARP Boletín

Exclusive health, finance and lifestyle content for Latinos 50+ in the U.S.




The Ethel

An email newsletter that celebrates every moment of aging, written by women just like you - plus other occasional emails.

Two per Month

The Arrow From AARP

A bi-weekly email packed with advice on stuff that matters to men—from marriage to money, fitness to fatherhood, and more.


The Girlfriend

A weekly email with the best in beauty, health, sex and life advice for women over 40, plus other occasional emails.




A weekly newsletter celebrating Black women with the best health, culture and style content, plus other occasional emails.

Two per Month

AARP Veteran Report

Get inspiring stories that salute military service and dispense practical advice for veterans and their families.

Events and Activities



Game On! Newsletter

Level-up your play at AARP Games with tips, new games, special features and fun opportunities with AARP Rewards.

Two per Month

AARP Events Snapshot

Preview AARP's most popular upcoming virtual experiences in entertainment, fitness, lifelong learning, work, money, and more.


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Two per Week

AARP Rewards

Start and end your week with exclusive AARP Rewards perks and tips to help you get ahead of whatever life has ahead.



Create the Good

Get the Good in your inbox! Receive volunteer opportunities, articles and inspiration for giving back in your community!

AARP Members and Benefits



AARP Hot Deals

A bargain-hunter's delight! Get unique deals and discounts from selected advertisers.


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Member Benefits Update

Stay up-to-date on all your benefits, including discounts, programs and services designed to offer real value every day.

Advocacy and Research



AARP Advocate

Join our activist community. We're fighting every day to lower Rx prices, strengthen Social Security & Medicare, and more!


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Two per Month

AARP Watchdog Alerts

Stay one step ahead of the scammers - sign up to have news on the latest scams delivered right to your inbox.


AARP Research

From Americans' attitudes on retirement to the latest tech trends, this is your place for research and insights from AARP.



Livable Communities

Learn how towns, cities and counties nationwide are becoming more livable for people of all ages.


Two per Month

Nursing Campaign Update

The Campaign for Action is an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to build a healthier America through nursing.